Bayley Beach

Bayley Beach, part of Neville Bayley Park, is owned and maintained by the 6TD for the use of its residents.
Lifeguard services are provided in season from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Residents have free access to the beach in season if they have a sticker or walk-in pass.
Bayley features a children’s playground, basketball court, volleyball area and outdoor showers. The Pavilion includes Di's Sea Shanty snack bar, restrooms, and changing rooms. Picnic tables and barbecues are available.
Bayley Beach was once a part of Roton Point Amusement Park, which was in operation from the late 1800′s until late 1942.

For information on the use or reservation of this property, please contact Bayley Beach Manager Bill Nollman
Means and Cost of Access
Bayley Beach is accessed down a drive located at 11 Pine Point Road in Rowayton. Residents with a sticker on their car or with a walk-in pass have free access during the season.
Non-residents in season must pay to access Bayley Beach. The fee is $40 during the week, $50 on the weekend, $60 for Memorial Day and Labor Day, $70 for Special Events, and $100 for July 4th Fireworks. Walks in are $10 per person or $25 per family.
1. The park is open, weather permitting, throughout the year. The summer season will commence Memorial Day Saturday until September 15. Gates will open at 8:00 AM
and close 15 minutes past Sunset. There are no lights and it is unsafe to be at the Beach when its dark. Park hours the rest of the year will be posted. Park gates will be
locked during hours when the park is closed.
2. All residents and residential property owners must have a valid Parking Permit or walk-in pass to enter the park without paying a fee during the official beach season. Permits may be
obtained annually by submission of ONLINE APPLICATION to the District Clerk. Guests of residents must be accompanied
by the resident at all times.
3. During the summer season, vehicles without permits will be charged a parking fee: Daily weekday rate (non-holiday per car - $25; weekend (non-holiday) per car - $30; 4th of July and
fireworks day/evening per car - $100; special event/concert rate per car - $50. Buses will not be admitted. Pedestrians or bicyclists who are not Sixth District residents or property
owners will be charged a $10.00 individual or $25 family admission fee. Bicycles must be parked in bicycle racks.
4. Persons using the beach are required to follow the directions of the Lifeguards and posted beach safety rules. Persons swimming or wading when a Lifeguard is not on duty, do so at their
own risk, and are also required to follow the posted beach safety rules. A sign will be posted when a Lifeguard is not on duty.
5. Children who are unable to swim safely must be accompanied by an adult or authorized caregiver. Children under five years of age must be within the responsible adult's or caregiver's sight and
hearing at all times. Children 6 - 11 years of age must be supervised by either sight or sound by the responsible adult or caregiver at all times.
6. Only hand-propelled watercraft, e.g., kayaks, canoes, or paddle boards may be launched from the beach into the designated water lane. Upon return, the craft must be removed from the
beach or stored in assigned storage areas. Kayak and paddle board racks are available for seasonal rental through the Beach Manager
7. The beach is defined as the waterside of the concrete walk. Ball playing, frisbee throwing, running or kite flying on the beach is not permitted, as well as the use of glass or china
objects. Audio equipment on the beach may only be used with headphones. Grilling may only be done in the designated area. The grills must be attended when in use.
8. No pets are allowed in the park from April 1 through October 31, with the exception of a service dog. Pets are allowed in the park from November 1 to March 31.
9. Use of the Little League field is by permit only. Permits may be obtainable by application to the District Clerk and with the permission of the Rowayton Little League.
10. Tennis Courts - Only Rowayton Tennis Association members are permitted to reserve courts in advance. Rowayton residents who are not RTA members may play on Court 5 without charge when
the court is unscheduled.
11. Admission fees may be waived by the Sixth Taxing District Commission in its discretion for sanctioned group use of the park, such as Little League games/practice, youth camps, RTA inter-club
tennis matches, etc.
12. Private gatherings of 50 or more people, regardless of residency, require prior approval by the Sixth Taxing District Commissioners as well as submission of a Certificate of
Liability Insurance.
13. The beach pavilion will be accessible on a first-come, first-served basis. However, the pavilion may be rented on specific days by prior arrangement with the District Clerk, providing
there is strict compliance with pavilion rules which shall be explained to the reserving party in advance of the reserved date. The pavilion may not be occupied by more than 49
persons. Reservations may not be made on: A. Memorial Day, July 4th, the day of the fireworks display (if not on the 4th), and Labor Day. B.
Days and evenings of concerts or other planned entertainment at the beach.
14. NO GLASS within Bayley Beach
All rental inquiries should be made to the Bayley Beach Manager
Adopted 2009
Amended 2017, 2019, 2020, 2023
Beach Directors at Bayley Beach